Davie, Florida | Man Seeking A Woman
Basic Information
My Social Behavior Is
Reserved, Loud, Observant, Anti-social, Comedic, Party Starter, Flirtatious, Dark, Strange
My Interest And Hobbies Are
Religion / Spirituality, Family, Dining, Photography, Exercising, Reading, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Music, Tv, Internet, Games, Gardening, Cars, Fishing / Hunting, Camping
My Idea Of A Great Time Is
Hanging Out With Friends, Staying At Home, Clubbing / Bars, Drinking, Going To A Casino
An Ideal First Date Would Be
qui aime les sorties s les voyages et faire beaucoup l amour
I've Always Wanted To Try
je les aiment chaudes et envoutantes
My Friends Describe Me As Being
Friendly, Cool, Perfect, Obscure, A Flirt
My Religion Is
Buddhist / Taoist
I Attend Services
Once A Week
My Political Views Are
Very Liberal
My Goal In Life Is
j adore laa nature et les femmes
My Kind Of Humor Is
Campy, Clever, Friendly, Goofy
On Tv, I Always Watch
Documentaries, Re-runs
When I Go To The Movies, I Always Go To See A
Action, Comedy, Romance, Documentary
When Listening To Music, I Always Listen To
Rock, Pop, Jazz, Reggae
When I Read, I Always Read
Auto-biography, Biography, Computers, Fantasy, Music, Technical
Looking for
What Do You Find Attractive?
Wit, Power, Spontaneity, Sensitivity, Passiveness
What Do You Look For?
j adore les brunes et les blondes aussi
What Kind Of Relationship Are You Seeking?
Internet Buddy, Friend, Date, Doesnt Matter